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Les Mémoires
Matthew Heydon
In basic training I knew him as moore questions, cause he always asked questions. In Bliss and Iraq I knew him as the crazy dude with the wierd laugh that laughed at everything no matter how stupid the joke was. I wont type on here how he saved my life, but he knows. My last and favorit memory of Gary was a couple days before it happend we were sitting on the steps of my trailer with a couple of near beers. Even tho we knew there was no alcohal in it, we were convenced we were starting to get drunk from them. The last time we really had a talk was that night. We talking about everything. God, love, family the past the future. I told him the next time we drink somthing that is like a beer would be at a super bash at Eliphant Butte that I was planning and him and his Girl friend would be there. Greatest guy ive ever known by far. I wish I would have known about this website sooner there would have been so much more I could have said about him.
Allison Burguess
I was deployed with Gary Lee Moore, he was my first Driver assigned as a team leader to the 978th Military Police Company, I trained with Gary before our deployment, SPC Crawford was our gunner then.  Gary remained on my PSD team upto my mid-tour leave.  I couldn't have ever been more proud of his work ethic.  Every piece he always knew had a place and a meaning for being where they were.  I remember when he flipped out on our plt mechanic for taking apart a piece of our vehicle to replace a part and getting upset over a missing screw.  We changed our brakes and callipers, and bumper extensions together, they thought I'd never gotten so black beneath a vehicle from the under carriage.  These are some of the more fond memories I have of him.  When he'd get frustrated he'd voice himself.  Gary used to call his almamater his "dingle dangle" song that was as old as the turn of time.  He'd always have food around as lanky as he was.  when in passing he'd say good morning SGT. and have the brightest smile on his face.  Sometimes I can remember him talking to Randi while preparing for work some days on the computer's web cam, saying hi, and having to pull him away to go back to work, when we had precious moments to talk.
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