Gary and Randi the Love of his life just days from their dream of That wedding and being as "ONE" . Finally the day they have waited for soon to come.
The wedding is as Randi planed
November 14, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
"Our wedding will take place at our home church here in Oklahoma. It is the church where we grew up. I bought my dress at the beginning of this year and only paid $100 dollars for it!! What a blessing! Our colors are wine red and cornflower blue. Gary will wear his Army dress uniform, one usher will be wearing his Air Force dress uniform and then the other two ushers will be wearing their Fort Worth Police uniform. We have a total of 6 in our wedding party. I will have a junior bridesmaid and two flower girls, with one bell ringer who will also be our ring bearer! We are having the reception at his grandparents house and having a cookout (hopefully, depending on the weather)."
CPL. Gary L. Moore, 25, of Del City, Oklahoma
The Department of Defense announced the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.
CPL. Gary L. Moore, 25, of Del City, Okla., died March 16 in Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds sustained when an explosive device struck his vehicle. He was assigned to the 978th Military Police Company, 93rd Military Police Battalion, Fort Bliss, Texas.
On 16 March 2009, CPL Moore tragically lost his life, while operating as a member of a combat patrol in Baghdad, Iraq, when the vehicle he was riding in was struck by an RKG-3 grenade. CPL Moore will live foreve in the hearts and minds of the Soldiersof the 978th Military Police Company, His family and his friends.